The city of Pasadena, Human Services Recreation Department along with the Rose Bowl Operating Company, hosted its Annual Mayor’s Christmas party for the underprivileged children at the Rose Bowl locker room on Sunday, December 2nd,2018 from 1.00pm to 3.00pm.
Dr Dishan Jayasinha, President of the Sri Lanka Foundation and his wife Anarkalli Aakarssha were invited as the special guests to grace this occasion along with Mr Terry Tornek, Mayor of City of Pasadena and other city officials. Approximately 300 children from the Pasadena area were invited to attend this event through community agencies, organizations, and programs. It was an afternoon filled with laughter, bright eyes, cheer, and happiness, and perhaps for some, the only holiday cheer they will enjoy.
The afternoon continued with music, lunch and the opportunity to meet local celebrities such as youth role models from the local high schools, the Rose Queen and her court, and of course Santa Claus. Each child got a chance to meet Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek and receive a gift at the conclusion of the event.