News ≫ ‘Next Generation Sri Lanka’ – amplifying the youth voice

‘Next Generation Sri Lanka’ – amplifying the youth voice

Apr 8, 2019
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12 March saw the launch of a landmark survey on the experiences and expectations, attitudes and aspirations of young Sri Lankans. ‘Next Generation Sri Lanka’ research, which seeks to amplify the voice of youth and the importance of their role in forming the society of the future, was launched at the Lighthouse Auditorium and Lawns where guests from a wide segment of society -including international organisations, NGOs, and key youth voices-, learnt what young Sri Lankans have to say about growing up in post-conflict Sri Lanka.

The British Council, an organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities, is committed to engaging with the youth population – the next generation of influencers, leaders and shapers of the countries in which they work. As part of its commitment to putting research at the heart of its programming, and with the aim to exploring -and amplifying- the youth voice, the British Council has extended the ‘Next Generation’ global research series to Sri Lanka, now approaching its tenth year.

The British Council partnered with Sri Lanka’s pioneering non-government development organisation, the Lanka Jathika Sarvodaya Shramadana Sangamaya on this project. Also contributing to the successful completion of the project were the skills of an expert task force which consisted of Dr. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, Prof. Navaratna Bandara, Neela Marikkar and Sachinda Dulanjana, alongside a programme team from Sarvodaya Institute of Higher Learning, the British Council, and a research team led by Prof. Prasanna Perera, Professor in Economics, Department of Economics & Statistics, University of Peradeniya.

The survey explores how youth aged 18-29 have responded to the changes brought about by the peace and reconciliation process in the ten years since the end of a protracted and damaging civil war. With a focus on the views of Sri Lanka’s youth on governance and lifestyle, the values and beliefs that affect their lives, and the policies and conditions that support them in becoming creative, fulfilled and active citizens, this report is part of a broader approach by the British Council and Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement that will enable young voices from all communities to be heard, in the hope that this will ultimately contribute to policies that address their needs.

Courtesy of

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