News ≫ Flights from Jaffna to Several Indian Cities Soon

Flights from Jaffna to Several Indian Cities Soon

Oct 3, 2019
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Palali Airport in Jaffna has been renamed as the Jaffna International Airport making it the third international airport in Sri Lanka and bringing the total number of international airports in the country to five.

According to a statement released by the Ministry of Transport, parallel to this renaming, the Batticaloa airport will be renamed as the Batticaloa International Airport and the Ratmalana airport as the Colombo Ratmalana International Airport.

The regional flights’ operation service from the Maldives is expected to commence from October 15th to Jaffna International Airport.

Sri Lankan officials said India had shown interest in developing Palay to have direct flights from Jaffna to the southern Indian cities of Madurai, Tiruchi, and Thruvanathapuram.

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