The Census and Statistics Department (DCS) will conduct a countrywide survey on the economic impact of COVID-19 with the participation of 20,000 large, medium and micro level businesses, industries and other commercial ventures in the private sector.
The online national survey launched yesterday will end on July20.
Participants are required to provide information online as to how their business or industry, employees, production, export or import, availability of raw material, market share of their product etc affected by the COVID-19.
DCS Director General Dr. I.R.Bandara told the media that the COVID 19 pandemic has affected various economic activities in Sri Lanka in varying degrees depending on the nature and structure of those businesses. Some parts of the country were completely locked down for more than 2 months and as a result, enterprise struggled hard to survive with their businesses.
Mr. Bandara said the date and statistics gathered and analyzed by the DSC will be used to rebuild then economy in the post Covid 19 period as millions of employees havefaced a severe threat of losing their jobs. Considering the hardships experienced by the people, the government took immediate relief measures to both the enterprises and the employees to mitigate the severity of the impact. DCS welcomes the enterprises willing to participate in the survey, through the following link. (Sandun A Jayasekera)
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