News ≫ Cool Japan, Warm Sri Lanka

Cool Japan, Warm Sri Lanka

Jun 4, 2016
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Japan-Sri Lanka Traditional Drum Performance

‘Cool Japan, Warm Sri Lanka’, a joint drumming performance by HA-YA-TO a popular Japanese traditional Taiko drumming trio, together with Sri Lanka Youth Dance Troupe of the NYSC of Sri Lanka, will be held at the National Youth Services Council (NYSC), Maharagama on Sunday, June 12 at 5.00 pm.

HA-YA-TO, consisting of three young brothers of the same family, is a popular Taiko group in Japan and has travelled to several countries performing their own innovative styles of Taiko. The dancing troupe of the NYSC of Sri Lanka, established in 1988 under the guidance of versatile dancing master HM Rathnayake, consists of male and female artistes who are extremely talented and have performed at international events and won the admiration of many international audiences.

The event is organized by the Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka and the Honganji Foundation, Japan, co-sponsored by ITN and NYSC and supported by the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Japan. The Honganji Foundation, led by Most Venerable Ohtani Chohjun, has been very active in promoting Japan-Sri Lanka cultural relations in recent years. Ven. Kohrin Ohtani, Senior Counsellor of Honganji Foundation, and Kenichi Suganuma, Ambassador of Japan in Sri Lanka will grace the occasion as Guests of Honour.

The performance has been organized with a view to further promoting Japan-Sri Lanka cultural exchanges. Admission to the performance will be free of charge and all are welcome.

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