Amanya Atukorale, a 14-year-old student of Sirimavo Bandaranaike Vidyalaya, won the bronze medal at the recently held Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition. This is an annual event organised by the Royal Commonwealth Society where a record number of over 20,000 entries were considered before adjudicating the winners of 2021. The theme for this year was ‘Community in the Commonwealth’, and Amanya’s essay revolved around communal harmony and compassionate actions. The winner and runners-up were from South Africa and India.
A few weeks ago, Amanya launched her first children’s novel co-authored by her classmate Nemindi Wijayaweera titled “Who will take the crown?”. Vijitha Yapa Publications published the book, and the profits from sales will be donated to “Little Hearts” and “Thuru” reforestation campaigns.
Amanya Atukorale has also won various awards in swimming and violin exams. She is also a keen squash and scrabble player. She has also won several local awards in blogging and speech competitions where her views in environmental conservation were expressed. Amanya is the granddaughter of late Dr.D. P. Atukorale, senior consultant cardiologist, and the daughter of Dr. Himantha Atukorale, consultant rheumatologist, and Dr. Dilusha Atukorale, consultant paediatrician.
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