Essential items for pregnant Women
In Sri Lanka
Causes | l Essential items for pregnant Women in Sri Lanka
Every Pregnancy Matters
Availability of an organizational structure for provision of maternal health services in the rural areas of Sri Lanka is an ongoing problem. Despite the availability of universal healthcare and education, and good health indicators at the national level, maternal and child undernutrition continue to pose a major challenge for Sri Lanka.
This project that we are supporting was initially started in year 2000 by Buddiyagama Dhammasena Thero to help and support the deserving pregnant women in rural areas with the essential items that they need at the hospital for a new born. The goal is to provide 10,000 give away essential baskets per year Islandwide.
There are about 150 deserving pregnant women in one area at any given time.
Through the help of mid wives, he identifies the families and select approximately 50 deserving pregnant women to give away baskets in the high poverty areas such as Monaragala, Mathara, Hambantota and Gampaha.
Over the past seven decades, several strategies were adopted by the health sector and by other sectors that contributed to the lowering of maternal mortality, with morbidity and disability gaining attention in recent years we have established this project to mainly focus on reducing the risks the poor pregnant moms are facing.
Areas Served:
— Monaragala
— Mathara
— Hambanthota
— Gampaha
Population Disposition:
— Females
— Ages 18 to 40 years old
Why this cause needs your support
Solutions that make a difference
— Donations of baskets that include the following listed essential items to give to mothers.
— To provide and prepare these baskets and have them ready for new mothers that are admitted to the hospital for labor.
Essential Items Needed:
— Umbrella baby mosquito net
— Baby basket
— Baby Towel
— Cot Sheet
— Flannel Cloth
— Napkin (22X22)
— New Born Baby frocks
— Baby Wash Basin
— Flask
— Pillow Cases
— Chintz
— Bed Jackets
– White Color
– Other
— Baby Soap
— Baby Cologne
— Baby Cream
— Woolen Clothes (1 Set)
– Baby Dress
– Cap
– Pair of Socks
— Cord Clip
— Traveling Bag
Estimated Cost:
— Rs 16,000 (Approx $200 USD ) per basket with essential items
Who will run this initiative:
The Founder Ven. Buddiyagama Dhammasena Thero.
Stage 2 of this Project:
Thero is also building and donating houses for families over four children who don’t have a home. As of now, there are 12 houses donated and 4 houses in progress.
Stage 3 of this Project:
Providing education for children through the help of temples. As of now, there are 273 children that have been directed to study in temples.

Why helping this cause matters:
— Due to Governmental restrictions which removed financial support for these pregnant women, they are no longer able to purchase essential items for themselves and their children
10,000 Baskets
Made for Pregnant Women
in Need

Why helping this cause matters:
— Due to Governmental restrictions which removed financial support for these pregnant women, they are no longer able to purchase essential items for themselves and their children.
10,000 Baskets
Made for Pregnant Women
in Need
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