News ≫ Maha Sivarathri: The longest night in the Year when devotees pray to attain Moksha

Maha Sivarathri: The longest night in the Year when devotees pray to attain Moksha

Feb 21, 2020
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For Hindus world over Maha Sivarathri is purely a religious ceremony of day time fast and vigilance throughout the night. They observe these special rites on the fourteenth night of Phalgma (February/March) which is the longest night in the year, according to the Hindu calendar.

This year it falls on February 2l. Observances are started in the morning on the festive day and continued throughout the night in a bid to wash away the sins and pave the way for eternal bliss through basic religious disciplines of Ahinsa (non injury) Satya (truthfulness), Brahmacharya (celibacy), Daya (compassion), Kshama (forgiveness)and Anissa (absence of jealousy).

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