News ≫ St Peter’s College Old Boys Union UK Branch Hosted their, “2019 Christmas Carols”

St Peter’s College Old Boys Union UK Branch Hosted their, “2019 Christmas Carols”

Dec 30, 2019
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St Peter’s College Old Boys Union United Kingdom branch hosted their “2019 Peterite Christmas Carols” on the 8th of December at ” Nakashastra Hall” in London. Rev. Fr Trevor Martin was the chief guest and the event was well attended by over 325 guests.

The choir, ‘Community of the Risen Lord UK’ started off the event by signing Christmas Carols. It was amazing to see the Peterites and the guests joining in with the choir.

The carol service was followed by a social. Music was provided by the live band “Solid”, a second band ‘Frontline’ also performed at the event. Catering for the night was by “Choice of Taste”

Santa Claus turned up wth lots of surprising gifts for over 60kids. A purpose built Grotto was enjoyed by the kids who had a fantastic time. All in all, the event was a huge success.

The OBU UK continues to support the college in various projects and activities. It is a very active and determined committee led by President, Gopi Muthuthevar.

There are exciting plans for 2020 and the SPC OBU UK is already planning the Centenary Celebrations for 2022.

For the latest SPC OBU UK news you can follow tem on #spcobuk

Written by: SPC OBU UK

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