News ≫ City of Los Angeles Celebrates Sri Lanka Day!

City of Los Angeles Celebrates Sri Lanka Day!

Aug 15, 2024
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On Friday, August 9th, 2024, the City of Los Angeles celebrated Sri Lanka Day and Dr. Walter Jayasinghe’s accomplishments with the Sri Lanka Foundation and community members.

The celebration began with Councilwoman Heather Hutt and Councilman Curren D. Price, Jr. recognizing SLF and Dr. Jay. Councilwoman Hutt gave testimony praising Dr. Jay for his dedication and commitment to helping others, especially those in the Los Angeles community. She told the story of Dr. Jay’s arrival in the US in 1962 and his accomplishments along the way. Councilman Price then spoke about Dr. Jay’s impact on the Los Angeles community.

The City of Los Angeles recognized 9 August 2024 as Sri Lanka Day and presented Dr. Jay and the Sri Lanka Foundation with beautiful proclamations to mark the occasion. Dr. Jay was very honored by the recognition received by the City Council Officials and other dignitaries and expressed his utmost gratitude.

You can watch the presentation here from time stamps 1:27 to 1:36:

The celebrations of Sri Lanka Day continued in the Los Angeles City Hall courtyard. Achala Weerasinghe, the Director of Cultural Affairs at the Sri Lanka Foundation and Director of Operations at the SLF Academy of Performing Arts, welcomed all the dignitaries and other guests. The ceremony in the courtyard began with the raising of the US flag by Councilwoman Hutt, the Sri Lankan flag by Dr. Jay, and the State of California flag by Mr. Mohammed Ashan. This was followed by speeches from attending dignitaries, all applauding the work of Dr. Jay and the Sri Lanka Foundation and recognizing Sri Lanka Day 2024.

The Sri Lanka Foundation Academy of Performing Arts (APA) shined with cultural performances by the APA External Lecturers, Nirosha Wijegunasekera and Akila Palipana with the APA Senior Instructor, Umendra Kahadawaarachchi joined by students of the APA. All capped by a special performance from Talin Silva, Sri Lankan singer/songwriter, in honor of Sri Lanka Day 2024. The event guests were all exposed to Sri Lankan culture and even enjoyed delicious Sri Lankan refreshments generously sponsored by the wonderful Anon Catering. You can view the gallery HERE

Sri Lanka Day is a day where all Sri Lankans can come together to celebrate Sri Lankan culture, build a more diverse community, and acknowledge achievements within the community. This day was to recognize the Sri Lankan community’s tremendous impact on the City of Los Angeles. It was also a day on which the Sri Lankan Community networked with other communities to make Los Angeles truly a cosmopolitan city. The event was a grand affair, and the guests left saying they looked forward to the next year’s celebrations.

In continuing celebration of Sri Lanka Day 2024, please join us for our virtual celebration that will take place on Saturday, August 17th, 2024, at 2 pm Pacific Time and 2 pm Sri Lankan Time. Visit our YouTube Channel to watch it LIVE at

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